SBG System IG series are the Miniature Inertial Sensors:
- Roll, Pitch:Up to 0.35°
- Heading:Up to 0.5°
- Position:2 m ( GPS)
- Heave:10 cm
- Aiding equipment:GNSS, Odometer
The SBG Miniature Inertial System IG 500 series include:

IG-500A: Miniature AHRS

IG-500N: GPS aided miniature INS

IG-500E: Enhanced Inertial Navigation
IG-500A: miniature AHRS
IG-500A is a miniature Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS). It uses a set of three MEMS based gyroscopes, accelerometers, and magnetometers, to provide a drift-free and precise attitude, even in severe dynamic conditions.
This lightweight, robust and reliable device delivers consistent information over a wide temperature range thanks to an advanced calibration procedure and a configurable Extended Kalman filter (EKF).
Key Features:
- Precise 3D orientation, even in dynamic conditions
- On board processing at high update rate (200 Hz)
- Advanced Motion Profiles to match each application
- 1 kHz coning and FIR filtering for vibrations immunity
- Accurate vertical gyroscope mode (V.G.)
- Gyro-compensated heave output
- Calibrated over full temperature range -40 to 85°C for bias, gain, misalignments, cross-axis and gyro-g
- Soft and hard iron magnetometers calibration
- SyncIn and SyncOut signals available
- Protocols RS-232, RS-422, CAN 2.0 A/B and USB
- NMEA / ASCII output for fast and easy integration
- Very compact and lightweight design (40 grams)
IG-500N: GPS aided miniature INS
The IG-500N is the world smallest GPS enhanced miniature Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS). With its embedded Extended Kalman Filter, the IG-500N delivers unmatched precision on attitude and position measurements in very high dynamic conditions.
AHRS and Navigation sensor!
The IG-500N includes a MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), a GPS receiver and a pressure sensor. It provides a precise and drift-free 3D orientation and position, even in high G maneuvers at high updates rates, up to 100 Hz.
Thanks to an advanced individual sensors calibration procedure associated with an onboard Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), this miniature Inertial Navigation System (INS) provides a very accurate 3D orientation and position.
By removing transient accelerations measured by the GPS receiver, the delivered attitude is better than 0.45° RMS making this device a good alternative to expensive FOG-based AHRS.
Key Features of IG-500N:
- GPS enhanced 3D velocity, position and orientation at high update rate (100 Hz)
- Accurate attitude even in high G maneuvers
- Advanced Motion Profiles to match each application
- Automatic magnetic declination and local gravity
- Up to 0.35°RMS in Underwater Environment
- 1kHz coning and FIR filtering for vibrations immunity
- Precise UTC referenced output and SyncOut signal
- Embedded 4Hz, 50 channels GPS receiver & barometric sensor
- Calibrated over full temperature range -40 to 85°C for bias, gain, misalignments, cross-axis and gyro-g
- Soft and hard iron magnetometers calibration
- Protocols RS-232, RS-422, CAN 2.0 A/B and USB
- NMEA / ASCII output for GPS drop in replacement
- Very compact and lightweight design (44 grams)
- Very low power design down to 800 mW
- Robust and high precision aluminum enclosure
- OEM version available for best integration (10 grams)
- Very low power design down to 400 mW
- Robust and high precision aluminum enclosure
- OEM version available for best integration (10 grams)
IG-500E: Enhanced Inertial Navigation
The IG-500E is a high performance miniature and cost effective aided inertial navigation and orientation sensor (AHRS). Thanks to a revolutionary architecture, the IG-500E accepts various external aiding information to deliver unmatched precision for both attitude and position measurements.
Enhance your capabilities!
The IG-500E combines a MEMS based calibrated Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and an on board real time Extended Kalman Filter to fuse inertial data with external aiding information such as GPS position, true heading or even odometer velocities.
At a very affordable price, the IG-500E provides a precise drift-free 3D orientation and a smooth position even in difficult conditions such as in urban canyons or during short GPS outages.
By removing transient accelerations, calculated using external aiding information, the attitude accuracy is greatly improved compared to traditional AHRS.
Key Features of IG-500E:
- Aided 3D velocity, position and orientation at high update rate (100 Hz)
- Accepts a wide range of external aiding data such as RTK GPS and odometers
- Advanced Motion Profiles to match each application
- 1kHz coning and FIR filtering for vibrations immunity
- Accurate attitude even in high G maneuvers
- Automatic magnetic declination and local gravity
- Precise UTC referenced output
- SyncOut / Trigger, SyncIn, odometer input pulses
- Calibrated over full temperature range -40 to 85°C for bias, gain, misalignments, cross-axis and gyro-g
- Soft and hard iron magnetometers calibration
- Protocols RS-232, RS-422, CAN 2.0 A/B and USB
- NMEA / ASCII output for GPS drop in replacement
- Very compact and lightweight design (49 grams)
- Ultra low power design down to 650 mW
- Robust and high precision aluminum enclosure
- OEM version available for best integration (10 grams)